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Pedro Matos

21.12 (19:30) / 31.12 (15:00 and 19:30)
with Ensemble bmajor
Musical direction: David Holzinger
Director & Stage: Dr. Alexander Busche
Dramaturgy: Carola Söllner
Fé-an-nich-ton: Dana Hoffmann
Na-kiek-ma-an: Sotiris Charalampous
Tu-eh-nix: Ilya Martin
Ki-ke-ri-ki: Frederik Baldus
Male quartet "b major" (Nico Brazda, Martin Fehr, Tom Heiß, Pedro Matos)
Artists: "Cirque Artikuss" (Estrella Urban, Chantal Bachmann, Benjamin Baryshev)
The Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra will play.

Christmas Oratorio I-III, J.S.Bach
21.12 (19:30)
Concert as soloist
With Concentus Vocalis Dresden
Conductor: Fabian Kiupel
More Infos: concentus vocalis Dresden

Christmas Concerts
17. and 26.12 (15:00 and 16:00)
Concert in ensemble
Veronika Würfel & Antonia Biemer (soprano)
Anja Trekel & Cäcilia Vormstein (alto)
Pedro Matos & Caspar Wein (tenor)
Christoph Biemer (bass) & Lukas Schulze (bass)
More infos: Franzhans06
Der Fliegender Holländer - R. Wagner
Several dates: 27.11, 03./06./10./14./17./25./29.12
Komische Oper Berlin (location)
Concert in ensemble with Vocalconsort Berlin
Musical Director
Stage director and stage design
More infos: Der fliegende Holländer, Richard Wagner - | Komische Oper Berlin (

Advent Concert
02. and 04.12 (19:00 and 17:00)
Concert as soloist with Cantus Thuringia
Musical direction: Michael Hofstetter
Performed by the Baroque Orchestra of the Thuringia Philharmonic Gotha-Eisenach
Violins: Alexei Barchevitch, Sujin Ann-Kuhn
Violoncellos: Jan Freiheit, Michael Hochreither
Lute: Stefan Rath
Cantus Thuringia
Soprano: Karin Gyllenhammar
Alto: Christoph Dittmar
Tenor: Pedro Matos
Bass: Christian Beutel
More infos: "Barock ImPuls" - Adventskonzert mit Michael Hofstetter, Solistinnen und Solisten & dem Barockorchester der Thüringen Philharmonie ⋆ Thüringen Philharmonie Gotha-Eisenach (

Radio live transmission - religious service
Sunday, 27th of November 2022
10:00 - 11:00
Propsteikirche St. Trinitatis (Leipzig) (location)
Concert as soloist
Cantata BWV. 61 - "Nun komm der Heiden Heiland"
With students of Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Leipzig
Conductor - Florian Maierl
More infos: Katholischer Gottesdienst am 27.11.2022 aus der Propsteikirche St. Trinitatis in Leipzig | Deutschland evangelisch-katholisch | DW | 24.11.2022

Ethel Smyth Concert
Sunday, 20th of November 2022
18:00 - 19:30
Hochmeistersaal (location)
Concert as soloist and in ensemble
A biographical journey around Ehtel Smyth's life and musical works.
With Ensemble Utopera
Concept: Teresa Reiber
Singers: Cosima Becker, Elisabeth Scharnick, Frederike Wrobel, Johannes Blank, Avila Sarode
Piano: Inga Diestel and Eva Baumann
More infos: Musiktheater | Ensemble Utopera | Berlin (

Concert Schubert: Mass in A flat Major
Saturday, 12th of November 2022
Emmauskirche (location)
Concert as Soloist
Concert with works by F.Schubert
A flat major Mass
Symphony Nr. 7 "Incomplete"
Andrea Chudak (Sopran)
Kristina Häger (Alto)
Pedro Matos (Tenor)
Manuel Nickert (Bass)
studiosi cantandi
Junge Phillarmonie Kreuzberg
Conductor: Norbert Ochmann
More infos:
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